Delivering Resin Flooring for Shopping Centres

resin flooring for shopping centres

If you are a regular reader of our blog then you will know by now that we deliver our products and services across a range of industries, including manufacturers, factories and car showrooms, but did you know that we also deliver resin flooring for shopping centres?

In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages of a resin flooring installation in a shopping centre or mall, and reflect on a recent project completed for a local facility.


Why Resin Flooring for Shopping Centres Is Effective

One of the key considerations with any modern shopping centre is the level of footfall they experience on a day-to-day basis.

On busy days, tens of thousands of people can pass through, calling at their favourite shops, and this constant traffic naturally has an impact in terms of general wear and tear, both in terms of creating an uneven and potentially unsafe surface and compromising the overall look and feel of the environment.

A new resin flooring installation, delivered by Abacus Flooring Solutions, can transform any shopping centre, whether that’s an isolated area in need of a refresh, or across multiple floors.

Our resin flooring solutions are delivered to the highest possible specification, delivering a finished product that is durable, safe and attractive, with the peace of mind that comes with working with a business boasting more than 30 years of experience in the sector.

We can install resin flooring to match practically any colour, in keeping with your broader brand, while we can also deliver an environmentally friendly solution, using plastics that would otherwise be sent to landfill.


Our Recent Resin Flooring for Shopping Centres Installation

We recently completed a resin flooring installation for a shopping centre and were delighted with the results.

Located at the heart of Leicester’s shopping district, Highcross Shopping Centre is home to 80 fantastic shops, catering for all lifestyle and fashion preferences.

Tenants include John Lewis, Zara and Apple.

We delivered a great project for Highcross, completing the required work in evening hours where possible in order to minimise disruption to the shopping centre’s day-to-day business.

At Abacus, we always seek to work around our client’s schedules, helping to cure any headaches associated with closures or slowdowns.

The work delivered involved high-build coatings and polyurethane screed, and we were extremely pleased with the results.


How We Can Support You

We have more than 30 years’ of experience in the resin flooring sector, delivering resin flooring for shopping centres and operators in all kinds of sectors across the UK.

We enjoy an excellent reputation with our valued customers, including many who book us for multiple projects.

We know that our business is first and foremost a service, and our experience allows us to provide the value and advice you require, from the very first site visit to the delivery of your new resin flooring system.

Click here to get in touch and arrange a free site visit.

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