
The Advantages of Phased Working

advantages of phased working

Due to the nature of the work we do, we’re used to tackling big projects that require a major investment of expertise and time, which is why we’re very much in tune with the advantages of phased working.

In this blog post, we will share with you an insight into our approach where phased working is concerned, and help you understand how this kind of strategy helps us to minimise disruption to our clients and ensure an efficient delivery of the work required.


Working to Your Schedule

One theme that regular readers of our blog will be familiar with is Abacus Flooring Solutions’ commitment to working to our clients’ schedule.

This means that, where possible, the work we need to complete is planned according to what will cause the least disruption to your day-to-day operations, whether that’s ensuring that manufacturing processes can continue or that personnel can complete their day-to-day tasks without being disturbed.

Often, working to a client’s schedule requires a phased a approach and this is certainly one of the key advantages of phased working.

We can put a plan in place at the start of the process that gives all key stakeholders visibility of when we’ll be on-site, how often and for how long, so that you can make any adjustments in-house that are necessary, rather than confronting issues as they arise.


Tackling the Bigger Projects

As we have already mentioned, the nature of what we do means we often take on larger projects, and another of the advantages of phased working is that it allows to break down the various steps involved in significant or substantial installation work.

For instance, there may be work required across various locations on your site, or the work to get a particular environment up to the right standards may require quite a large investment.

In both instances, we can work with you to put a longer term strategy together than provides peace of mind and clarity, perhaps spreading the cost over several months or years, while ensuring we have the time and platform we need to complete the work to the highest standard.

The last thing we want to do is rush, or force work through in a manner that is impractical for the customer.

Working collaboratively like this is absolutely key to ensuring that a customer’s requirements are met, and we take pride in delivering just that with every project.


Put Us to the Test

We have more than 30 years’ experience in the industrial resin flooring installation industry, including installations in a wide range of commercial and industrial environments.

Using this experience allows us to ensure we keep on top of new products and technologies to offer completely bespoke solutions to each of our clients, whether that’s through realising the advantages of phased working or completing the project in one hit.

Our highly skilled team are fully trained in all aspects of the flooring we install, from the preparation, installation and after care service.

We know that our business is first and foremost a service, and our experience allows us to provide the value and advice you require, from the very first site visit.

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