Delivering Resin Flooring for Leicestershire Firm

resin flooring leicestershire

Abacus Flooring Solutions has completed an innovative installation of resin flooring for a Leicestershire firm that specialises in research and innovation.

Building upon the heritage and space-science excellence of the University of Leicester, Space Park is a collaborative community of industry, academics and students working together to drive growth in space and space-enabled sectors.

The organisation undertakes world-leading research and impactful innovation and offers a wide range of skills and educational development opportunities.

Space Park enlisted the services of Abacus Flooring Solutions to deliver a resin flooring solution that will improve the function, look and practicality of their environment, while also serving the organisation for many years to come.


The Work Completed

Abacus installed close to 500 square metres of seamless resin flooring systems, while also ensuring the existing floor was abraded using dust-free diamond grinding. The process of abrading refers to the removal of unwanted materials, lumps and bumps through friction.

Our work utilised the client’s own colour preference of ‘Signal Blue’ (RAL colour 5005), ensuring that all work delivered was on brand and in keeping with the wider environment.

The total area covered by the installation consisted of three rooms and a corridor.


Working to Your Schedule, Not Ours

The project was completed to the strict deadlines set by the client, with work commencing on Thursday 28 October, following the receipt of the order a day earlier, and being completed the following Tuesday, as per the requirements.

Our team understands fully the importance of minimising disruption to businesses throughout the installation process, and we are fully equipped to deliver fast, efficient solutions that ensure work isn’t significantly interrupted.

In this instance, we had materials specially made and collected them ourselves to avert any possible risk of transport delays. Whether it’s resin flooring for Leicestershire firms, or projects further afield, we always work to minimise delays ahead of the work starting.


Why Should I Choose Abacus Flooring Solutions?

We have more than 30 years’ of experience in the resin flooring sector, delivering resin flooring for Leicestershire firms and businesses across the UK.

Having been invited to sit on the industry’s governing body, the FeRFA Council, our founder, Nick, has worked tirelessly throughout his career to promote sustainability and the diversion of trade waste from being sent to landfill.

During this period, Nick gave many talks to the industry, including at sales conferences and AGMs.

He won the industry’s first environmental award in 2005 and went on to receive no fewer than ten further awards, with three of those being bestowed at the Houses of Parliament.

One of his most recent achievements is the development of a new environmentally friendly screed that uses recycled materials and reduces waste to landfill.

We enjoy an excellent reputation with our valued customers, including many who book us for multiple projects.

We know that our business is first and foremost a service, and our experience allows us to provide the value and advice you require, from the very first site visit to the delivery of your new resin flooring system.

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